growing up
So Landon has moved up to the next class in "school". (*sniff, my baby is growing up). I picked him up today and he was being transitioned into his new class. Some of the kids are the same and he knows the teacher...So when i went in to pick him up the teacher was in the bathroom w/ him so landon could sit on the potty...they try to start teaching them to use the potty...We've started at home too, just sitting for fun, but he has yet to use it...tonite at bath time he pulled his stool over to the potty and took out his elmo potty seat and said "potty". He of course didnt use it...but then he peed all over the floor..niiiice. His vocabulary has definitely tripled in the last couple weeks...its crazy..he talks so much...His new favorite thing to do is throw tantrums when he has to get in the carseat..SERIOUSLY the most FRUSTRATING thing in the world right now....It takes all the energy i have not to yank my hair out...i already dont have the greatest patience but this takes all i got. He wants to play in the car and beep the horn and push the buttons..everything but sit in his seat...I saw this neat thing in a kids magazine that its like a dashboard(steering wheel/buttons) that you can put on/in the i'm thinking maybe that'll help, i of course want it right NOW, and i cant....Anyone have any suggestions????
That's bout it...still working nights, which drains me, but my paychecks are nicer...and that's all folks.....
TJ does the same thing in the car! JK! I can't believe what a little boy Landon is. He has changed so much since this time last year! Always a cutie!
He looks adorable with that haircut!
Mike says: Wow, thats funny about the car thing. The things we take for granted..we never thought it was a big deal that Leah just gets in her carseat by herself without a fuss. Sorry sis! Our kid's better. =P
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