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Wednesday, April 09, 2008


AH! I am so mad. Well, was mad, i'm kinda over it now i guess. So i was scammed, and here's the story. Back in october some guy was going around the neighborhood trying to sell those magazine subscriptions. You know, the ones that are for fundraising or what not. So, i'm skeptical but trying to be openminded b/c i had to do a lot of fundraising while in hs. I was outside playing w/ landon and he approached me. He seemed normal enough, had a "legit" ID, the laminated book of magazines and receipt pad. He had this whole shmeel about blah blah blah....Anyway after a while i ended up getting "Parents" magazine. I write a check to LL Distributors and get a receipt. (its supposed to take about 2 months) Here's march and I find my receipt and call the distributing company that's on the receipt and IT is legit BUT the guy/company was NOT. They told me those receipts hadnt been used in a while (she knew b/c of the number that was on it) and that the check would've been made to them if it was one of there ind. distributor people. GRRRR. I was ticked off. So i went to my bank and they were able to print out the copy of my check and it showed which bank cashed it and it had a signature on it. I then called that bank and told them the story. They of course couldnt give me any info, not that i thought they could, but i asked them to put a complaint and flag that company name b/c it is false and scamming people--so they said they would. That day i tried to call the police to put a complaint it. I cant get the persons info from the bank, but they could. I am not looking for my money back, but i'm sure i wasnt the only one that was scammed by this guy or group of people. I kept calling and the person in charge of fraud was not available. Well now its today and after working 4 nights and sleeping during the day maybe i can get back to calling the cops to catch this idiot......BEWARE do not get magazines from someone you dont know! And if you do write their name down and take a photo of them and post it on the bulletin board until you get your magazines!


Blogger Angelle said...

Good for you for pursuing it. You are a true Gallers. :) Maybe his scamming days will be over due to your diligence.

PS Can't wait to see you guys!

10:16 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

How annoying! You get 'em Stacy!

3:57 PM  

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