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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Send me some patience

Okay so most of the time i feel i do a pretty good job of keeping my cool with landon. He's a typical boy and a typical 2 year old. Listen when he wants, (never really), likes to swing his arms and stomp his feet, tells me "no" way to much, and the newest is that he'll sigh and pout..(this one is actually kinda cute,....only kinda) This am i was trying to get him ready for school. This is usually a forever process for me...its probably my fault. We have a great routine at night but not one in the morning. Its even a process at night to get him in his jammies..but this am was just crappy. My mom is here which helps but still. He was tooting so i took him to the potty to try and poop. 2 books later more toots no poopies, he said "all done" so we got off, i went to go get dressed to go to the gym ( i go every morning after dropping him off as long as i didnt work the night before) So he's playing w/ my mom in the playroom and i hear my mom say "lets go to the potty"..Landon said "toots" and i said you need to go poopy...he says no no no mommy..( this means he has already gone) so i march him there and there's the nugget in the mickey undies...so i plop him on anyway...good thing..he did go more in the potty...Let me just say he's been having very FEW accidents so its frustrating when we were on the potty and he didnt go and less then 3 min. later he goes in his undies...arghhh...anyway so i 'm rinsing his undies and mom is reading a book on the potty...Then he's all done..okay...so i ask him to wash his hands and brush his teeth. Its a fight to get him to brush his teeth b/c i had already put the toothpaste, the WRONG toothpaste on his brush. he wanted the rocket aka little einsteins one not the turtle one...grrr...so he's swinging his arms all in the water and remember i had been rinsing his poopy underwear in the sink (which was prob. my first mistake)...so there's bubble and water and semi-poopy underwear in the sink. His flinging arm swooshes the undies up on my face...EWWW! Needless to say i raise my voice very loud at him and told him to walk away...which he did and then he sighed and pouted.....so i walked away as well..calmed down and went downstairs and took him to school. We had a talk in the car, i told him i loved him and he was good boy but mommy raised her voice b/c he wasnt listening and was swinging his arms at me...i said i was sorry if i scared him and that was that. he was fine going into school...went potty, washed hands, sat at the table to have breakfast snack..we kissed, gave big hugs and said see you later...



ps. had a great workout afterwards!


Blogger Angelle said...

Sounds like a tough morning. I feel ya, sis. Just FYI, I totally ignore pouting. Once Leah was old enough, when she pouts she goes to her room til she is done. I don't have time for that nonsense.

On the potty note, many times did we sit on the potty, only to have her go 5 minutes later. It gets better! :)

12:03 PM  
Blogger Angelle said...

PS Yay for a blog entry! We like to hear the everyday stuff. And congrats on the workout.

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The things I have to look forward to someday =) Jen

7:37 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

HA HA HA HA HA. Poopy underwear in your face!

10:30 PM  

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