the great tree dilemma
Okay, maybe someone has some advice on how to go about this. We have a tall but not so big tree in the back of the house that during a storm somehow got a crack up the middle. Its not up the entire tree but on a good portion. I'm so afraid when its windy that this tree is going to crack and crash into the house or something. When its windy and the tree sways you can hear it cracking and creeking. So i was researching online how i'm supposed to take care of this and if we're responsible b/c its technically on our private property. I remember reading we werent supposed to cut down living trees but then i see that if its hazardous and might fall and there's reasoning behind why you think it might fall and hit something you can??? anyone dealt w/ this? we also are thinking of putting up a fence but then i'm thinking what if we put up the fence and then this tree fall either on our house of the fence and crushes it and then we have to pay for another section of fence???? you see....any advice out there?